
How to innovate and improve food packaging materials?

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    The innovation and improvement of food packaging materials is a hot topic nowadays. How to innovate and improve is a problem that needs to be overcome. Let's make a simple analysis of the innovation in the field of food packaging from the perspective of technology.

    1. Improve convenience. Food packaging is ultimately to protect food and provide consumer information. At the same time, it is convenient to open, reseal, provide clear nutrition information, change information of food quality and so on. After all, it's Wang Dao who feels comfortable. For example, in the recently opened unmanned supermarket in Seattle, there may be a combination of packaging and sensors in this concept. In the future, the combination with it technology and other fields must be the basis for the development of intelligent packaging.

    2. Improvement of packaging performance. This performance mainly reflects the protection of food, whether it is physical, such as the packaging of eggs, fruits and vegetables, or chemical, microbial aspects. You can also find these changes in the supermarket. In the past, the packaging of many foods was very simple, especially for small store vendors who sell fruits. If you buy more, you can give more plastic bags. Now we realize the importance of packaging for food preservation. Fruits that are easy to be scratched and broken, such as pears and peaches, can be protected separately. Applying edible coating directly on the surface of apple can greatly increase the shelf life. In terms of active packaging, the air-conditioned packaging that has been applied can be used. Filling nitrogen or a certain proportion of nitrogen oxygen in the meat or easily oxidized food packaging can maintain the beauty. Color and freshness. On the one hand, not only the design, but also the support of new materials and engineering technology innovation.

    3. Sustainable and environmentally friendly. Packaging, especially plastic packaging: garbage mountain and plastic bags inside marine animals, have a sense of picture? The problems to be solved sooner or later are not easy to overcome. Because most of the degradable materials do not have the desired performance, such as a large number of research in the production of bio based materials, which can not be applied to most of the food categories, the general water permeability and mechanical flexibility are not good. At present, few materials are available, and the cost is high.

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